Opera Royal

Versailles, the sun of Yvelines

Opéra Royal – Monteverdi : Vespro della beata vergine

78000 Versailles

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Opéra Royal - Monteverdi : Vespro della beata vergine

With the Vespro della beata Vergine, Monteverdi created one of the first monuments of European sacred music.

With these Vespers by Monteverdi, a seminal work composed in 1610, Raphaël Pichon succeeds John Eliot Gardiner at Versailles. But this is no coincidence: for the 2017 Monteverdi anniversary, John Eliot Gardiner asked Raphaël Pichon to perform the Vespers at the festival he directs in Leipzig: a challenge brilliantly met by the young conductor and his extraordinary Pygmalion ensemble!

Under such auspices, Monteverdi's choral monument, a veritable summit of the Baroque, will once again meet the highest standards that Pygmalion has been defending for a decade. To be closer to God than ever...

Céline Scheen Soprano
Perrine Devillers Soprano
Zachary Wilder Ténor
Robin Tritschler Ténor
Antonin Rondepierre Ténor
Nicolas Brooymans Basse
Etienne Bazola Basse
Renaud Brès Basse
Pygmalion Chœur et orchestre
Raphaël Pichon Direction


How to get there?

Versailles, the sun of Yvelines

Opéra Royal

Place d'Armes

78000 Versailles

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