Cultural Yvelines

Architectural homes in the Yvelines

Département des Yvelines - X.Renoux

Best known for its major tourist attractions and outdoor leisure activities, the Yvelines Département is also the western Paris Region that has seen, and still sees, many artists in search of inspiration and fulfilment of their art. Discover this wealth of unsuspected contemporary architecture close to home.

From the Chevreuse Valley to the banks of the Seine

Interactions between architectural expression, heritage and landscapes are entirely possible, particularly in the Upper Chevreuse Valley Regional Nature Park, which is now ensuring the quality of its region and supporting controlled development.

Maison Louis Carré

A masterpiece of modern architecture, integrating buildings, garden, furniture and interior design, the Maison Louis Carré in Bazoches-sur-Guyonne is a little-known gem of modernity. This single-storey building, covering some 450 m2, was designed in the mid-1950s by architect Alvar Aalto. To find out more about this magnificent residence, click here.

Pan Wogenscky House

Architect Wogenscky and sculptor Marta Pan built their modernist home in Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse. Open spaces, double heights, stilts…completed in 1952, the architectural similarities of this house are numerous with those of the instigator of the modernist movement, Le Corbusier.

Le Corbusier and his Villa Savoye

Located on the Beauregard plateau overlooking the Seine valley, this famous Savoye family holiday home was designed by Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret. The two architects saw this house as both a “living machine” and a “moving machine”, thanks to a combination of functional rooms and a play of spaces, shapes and light. Fancy a visit? Prepare it by clicking here.

When contemporary art is applied to an entire town

Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, created in the 1970s, was the first new town in France to be awarded the Villes et Pays d’art et d’histoire label, thanks to its contemporary creations and its many buildings designed by leading contemporary architects. More than 80 works of public art line the squares, gardens and streets, all created by international artists such as Piotr Kowalski, Marta Pan, Dani Karavan and Nissim Merkado. Here, the young sculpture movement has put new materials to the test in the most iconoclastic forms!

Don’t hesitate to discover these itineraries proposed by the town of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines by downloading them from their website.

An ideal opportunity to combine culture and relaxation, and to reflect on the place of art in architecture and public space.