Versailles, the sun of Yvelines

The Eagle of Waterloo

78380 Bougival

  • 19th C
  • Historic site and monument
L'aigle de Waterloo
Office de Tourisme de Bougival

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This bronze sculpture, created by Jean-Léon Gérôme at the end of the 19th century is an exact replica of the memorial found on the site of the Battle of Waterloo (Belgium)

This statue represents a wounded eagle, lifting a wing riddled with grapeshot, holding a broken flagpole in one claw on which the names of Austerlitz, Iéna (Jena), Friedland and Eckmühl can be read. […] With its beak open, the eagle seems to be crying out in despair and anger. One of its wings is beating the air desperately while the other, shattered, is drooping…
The sculpture comes from the grounds of the artist’s property, which was destroyed in 1944 when a barge carrying ammunition, moored on the Seine, exploded.

Today, it is located in the townhall's park.

In short


  • 19th C


How to get there?

Versailles, the sun of Yvelines

Hôtel de Ville

126 rue du Maréchal Joffre

78380 Bougival

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