The Seine runs through it

The wine press

78420 Carrières-sur-Seine

  • Historic site and monument
Le Pressoir, Carrières-sur-Seine

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The wine press (Pressoir) witnesses to the importance of vines – a source of true wealth – for the town of Carrières-sur-Seine in the early 18th century.

It is a wine press with a central wheel in which the grapes were pressed onto a wheel placed underneath. It produced a 'vin de guinguet', served in the region's 'estaminets' and 'guinguettes' (small cafés and taverns), which the Impressionists liked to depict in their paintings.

Today the press is privately owned, but you can visit it on special occasions such as the Journées Européennes du Patrimoine (European Heritage Days).


How to get there?

The Seine runs through it

Allée du pressoir

78420 Carrières-sur-Seine

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