Ethical Yvelines

Eco-friendly and sustainable Yvelines

The Yvelines opens the doors to places, activities, accommodation and restaurants that respect the environment, the region and local cultures.
Département des Yvelines - N.DUBOIS

With the well-being of its inhabitants at heart, the Yvelines boasts an exceptional natural environment, a variety of local produce, a rich heritage and numerous nature sports… Eco-friendly vacations are synonymous with emotions, encounters and discoveries. Discover the sustainable assets of the Yvelines for a more eco-friendly holiday.

Eco-friendly accommodation

Because in the Yvelines, we also like to recharge our batteries while respecting nature, we’ve put together a selection of our finest eco-friendly accommodation.

Organic, local and seasonal restaurants

Would you like to treat yourself to good food, while supporting the local economy and protecting the planet? Discover a selection of establishments based on local cuisine using local food circuits and fresh homemade produce, organic cuisine, etc.Would you like to treat yourself to good food, while supporting the local economy and protecting the planet? Discover a selection of establishments based on local cuisine using local food circuits and fresh homemade produce, organic cuisine, etc.

Short circuits to short-circuit our habits

Tasty and fertile, Yvelines invites you to discover its farmers’ expertise: a diversified, quality production that plays a major role in the attractiveness of our region. The “made in Yvelines” gift basket is bursting with flavour! Fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, honeys… Discover farm products, grown and processed by producers near you!

Did you know? The Domaine départemental de Madame Elisabeth, a historic site dedicated to nature, the arts and culture, has also opened up to gastronomy, supplying the “Le George” restaurant at the Parisian palace the Georges V! Discover this royal journey from fork to fork!

Sensitive Natural Areas

With its 70,000 hectares of woods and forests (30% of the Département’s total surface area), its 35,300 hectares registered as Sensitive Natural Areas and 85% natural and agricultural areas, the Yvelines is the leading green Département in the Paris Region. The Yvelines now boasts 67 Sensitive Natural Areas (made up of 2,850 hectares of land acquired since 1990) with remarkable or threatened landscape or ecological functions. Among the best-known are three that have also been awarded the Refuge LPO label for their mission to preserve and welcome local biodiversity:

Throughout the year, numerous events and nature outings enable you to discover these areas from a different, new angle, and have fun in a responsible way.

Shopping for pleasure and eco-friendliness

Discover products that are eco-friendly, Fairtrade and/or made in Yvelines!

On the road to ecomobility

Whether for your daily commute, your excursions or your holidays, think soft mobility! Whether you’re a keen sportsperson or a cycling enthusiast, there’s a complete range of cycling routes to choose from: kilometres and kilometres of cycle paths and greenways, a selection of 20 routes accessible with your Navigo pass, as well as long-distance routes such as the Véloscenie (Paris to Mont Saint-Michel), the Avenue Verte London-Paris or the Seine à Vélo.

The Baladobus, a shuttle service linking La Verrière station to the main tourist sites in the Chevreuse Valley, is the ideal solution for car-free excursions.

Another option is the partnership signed in 2020 between Transilien SNCF and the partement des Yvelines, which is part of an environmental and societal approach, offering families in the Paris Region the chance to discover their region in a different way, by choosing the train over the car.

And if you still need a car, think about carpooling! Carpooling has several advantages: it’s economical, social and ecological. What’s more, it offers a multitude of possible routes and timetables! ( or

Lots of ideas for walks to enjoy the exceptional natural heritage near Paris.

Responsible learning

Discover animals, milk cows and goats, pick fruit and vegetables, taste local produce and share good gardening practices: educational farms are a great opportunity to get closer to nature and share your children’s sense of wonder. Two in particular stand out for their educational quality:

  • The Nature & Découvertes farm in Versailles, designed according to Permaculture principles, is intended to encourage this essential transition, as well as being a space for connecting with nature and with one another. It offers training courses, tours and educational workshops.
  • La Ferme de la Cure in Sailly: From one collective workcamp to the next, the garden has been given a facelift so that it can gradually be opened to the public. La Ferme de la Cure is now home to the SEVE association, whose mission is to educate people about biodiversity and permaculture.

You can also start by learning about eco-gestures in the forest, with our 10 commandments for super walkers!

Tourism and disability

Disability cannot be a handicap

The Yvelines is convinced of this! That’s why more than fifty tourist sites can accommodate people with disabilities. Thanks to our attentive approach and ongoing training, the tourism industry has the skills it needs to offer you a unique experience to the west of Paris, whatever your disability.

If you’d like to find out more about all the initiatives implemented by the Yvelines Département to make the Yvelines an increasingly eco-friendly region, click here!