Maison Léon Blum

Versailles, the sun of Yvelines

Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 2024 à la Maison Léon Blum – Harp and Lyrical Chant Concert

78350 Jouy-en-Josas

  • Guided tour

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Harp concert and lyrical singing.

Léon Blum was a lover of classical music. After his death, one of his wife Jeanne's wishes was that the Maison Léon Blum, the statesman's last home and now a museum, should host concerts of various kinds to bring the place to life.

In keeping with Jeanne's wishes, the Maison Léon Blum will be hosting a harp and opera concert as part of the European Heritage Days on Saturday 21 September at 5.30pm.

The concert (approx. 1h15) will be performed by harpist Chloé Giraud-Héraud. The show is free to all audiences, although a free ticket is highly recommended to support the artist.


How to get there?

Versailles, the sun of Yvelines

Maison Léon-Blum

4 rue Léon-Blum

78350 Jouy-en-Josas

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