
Versailles, the sun of Yvelines

Night and day at Versailles 2023

78000 Versailles

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On the night of 14 October 2023, something very unusual is going to happen at Versailles!

To raise awareness of the consequences of light pollution, France has been organising "Night Day" for over ten years. On the same date, night-time events and blackouts are organised.

Observation of the planets and stars through telescopes from the Place d'Armes from 8pm to 11pm.

Let's take a look at the planets through the telescope with Magnitude 78 and its telescopes, with Nicolas, Philippe, and the Cassini Club with Vasco.


How to get there?

Versailles, the sun of Yvelines

Château de Versailles - Place d'Armes

78000 Versailles

The map