Tristan Lucas is a rare specimen, a... Content Frenchman
In this show, this slow, nonchalant, hyperactive phoney first laughs at himself, then teases the bobos, pokes fun at people looking for meaning in their lives, life coaches and even dares to make jokes about the slave museum. Because yes, you can laugh at anything!
Tristan has been a columnist on Nova, Rire et Chansons and Couleur 3 (Switzerland). He has performed several times at the Montreux Festival and is on tour of the Zeniths throughout France. Take advantage of the Royale Factory to see him in a smaller venue.
Tristan has been a columnist on Nova, Rire et Chansons and Couleur 3 (Switzerland). He has performed several times at the Montreux Festival and is on tour of the Zeniths throughout France. Take advantage of the Royale Factory to see him in a smaller venue.