Versailles Jazz Festival - Féia Amice et Benjamin Fryde_Versailles
Versailles Jazz Festival

Versailles, the sun of Yvelines

Versailles Jazz Festival – Féia Amice and Benjamin Fryde

78000 Versailles

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A dynamic and sensitive gypsy and swing duo. FÉDIA AMICE on guitar and BENJAMIN FRYDE on clarinet: LES OISEAUX DE NUIT.


‘Gathered around a swing that is sometimes festive, sometimes contemplative, Les Oiseaux de nuits perform the jazz that has fascinated and influenced them since childhood, without forgetting their own compositions, as poetic as they are inventive. In this conversation, the roles of soloist and accompanist merge with a mastery of timbre, balance and the silences that punctuate the musical discourse...’.


How to get there?

Versailles, the sun of Yvelines

Salle Delavaud

86 Rue Yves le Coz

78000 Versailles

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