Green Chevreuse

Hiking in the Chevreuse Valley

Vallée de Chevreuse
Département des Yvelines - N. Dubois

Looking for a hike in the Paris Region? In the Yvelines, we have the perfect territory to satisfy your every desire: The Chevreuse Valley and its hidden treasures! This natural area on the outskirts of Paris boasts a natural and cultural heritage that's perfect for walking. Majestic forests, nature reserves, rural landscapes, villages and towns with character, farms and local produce, historic sites, arts and crafts... So many possibilities for hiking!

vallée de Chevreuse en vélo ©D.Darrault

Take a breath of fresh air in the Chevreuse Valley

The Chevreuse Valley: a Regional Nature Park and thousands of hiking and walking trails

If you love hiking and nature walks and you’ve never been to the Chevreuse Valley, now’s the time to go there!

This major nature reserve is located in the Yvelines region of the Paris Region, not far from the capital. You’ll be amazed at how green and peaceful it is so close to Paris! A land of ancient civilization, the Chevreuse Valley boasts a highly varied cultural heritage, with great abbeys such as Port-Royal, the Vaux-de-Cernay, and sumptuous castles such as DampierreRambouillet and Breteuil, along with many picturesque villages with rich histories.

A Regional Nature Park is naturally a haven for nature! The area is a patchwork of landscapes, nature reserves, forests, waterfalls, plains and farms. Everything is done with respect for the environment and people.
As you can see, the choice is yours: cultural, historical, nature, landscape walks, family hikes…in the Chevreuse Valley, hike as you please!

For transport links, departure/arrival Baladobus from Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse RER B station. The Baladobus takes you to the tourist attractions of the Upper Chevreuse Valley Regional Nature Park, so take advantage!