The Seine runs through it

Sentier du Val discovery trail, known as the Sentier de la Salamandre

78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye

  • Boucle
Départ - Château du Val

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Etape 1 - L'arbre mort
Etape 2 - Le renouvellement de la forêt
Etape 3 - Un milieu particulier la mare aux canes
Etape 4 - L'ancienne route de Conflans
Etape 5 - Quelques arbres de la forêt
Etape 6 - Les vestiges du mur du Petit Parc
Etape 7 - Etoile d'Actéon
Etape 8 - La mesure des arbres
Etape 9 - La culture de la forêt

As its name suggests, the Sentier du Val starts near the Château du Val. The trail was entirely reorganised in 2014 by the Office National des Forêts and includes ten halts on a loop of nearly 3 km which includes the Mare aux Canes (duck pond).

The topics presented relate either to the natural environment (forest floor, dead tree, ponds and trees, for example) or to history (organisation of royal hunts or the remains of the Petit Parc wall).

To guide you, follow the salamander, the emblem of François Premier who once owned this site.

Starting point - Château du Val car park
The starting point is marked by a panel on the lawn, along from the Château du Val car park. The path is marked all the way by salamanders on small panels.

Stage 1 - The dead tree

Stage 2 - Renewal of the forest

Stage 3 - A special environment - La Mare aux Canes (duck pond)

Stage 4 - Former Conflans road

Stage 5 - Some forest trees

Stage 6 - Remains of the Petit Parc wall

Stage 7 - Actéon intersection
How royal hunting grounds were organised.

Stage 8 - Measuring trees

Stage 9 - Forest cultivation


How to get there?

The Seine runs through it

Parking du Château du Val

78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye

New windowSee itinerary

The map